- binoculars, obviously
- telescope, ditto, plus tripod
- camera. but which one? there's a few items here ... digiscoping, a long lens, video capability, and some close-up stuff for the kind of things that are small, or rooted to the spot, or preferably both. There's a post or two worrying just about this.
- Sound, in (song bird recording) and out (ability to hear bird song or calls for those frequent "what on earth is that?" moments). but not out when it upsets birds on territory, because that would be bad.
- bat recording stuff.
- bleeper, so I can see the stuff others find. Could be a thin year otherwise.
- If I'm sea watching, then a comfortable yet portable seat.
- Do I need a separate tripod for camera?
So should anyone stumble across this, please leave suggestions or fill in any gaps.